If you could have any super power...

What level of power are we talking about here? Because if we're talking any superpower I'd take the ability to reshape reality as I see fit, thus encompassing every single possible superpower.

In terms of more conventional superpowers, though, it's a toss-up between teleportation and the ability to stop/manipulate the flow of time. The latter, used properly, is easily the most powerful whereas the former is probably the most useful.
I would like to have the power to convert non-renewable energy into renewable energy


re-ignite the sun if there's ever a risk that it may die... :)
When someone is asked if they could wish for anything, what would they wish for. Your the kid the wishes for more wishes....

I want invisibility, mind-control, and flight.
it would have to be an all power psychic with telekinesis, mind control, the ability to move objects with thought and all that so if you did have a really cool power i could control you to do what ever i wanted and if someone tried to fightback cover myself in titanium metal so it would be really ******* hard to hit me lol
Haha, no, definitely not :lolwut:

Your ability wouldn't be very useful if you were the only person on the planet to have an ability, would it?
you people are noobs, it is all about having Dr.Manhattan's ( Watchmen) powers. He doesn't have a kryptonite , metaphorically speaking, and can't be destroyed.

life would be so much easier, plus you would be able to generate heat by rubbing your hands together
Hiro Nakamura's power from Heroes. Being able to teleport anywhere and control time would be awesome.
Can I give the answer I heard on Jimmy Carr's stand up earlier, and say:

The United States.