If you could design your baby before birth would you? With future technology.?


New member
Dec 9, 2008
Like photoshop being able to pick its eye colours intelligence hair body etc
with a cost of course
No! Like Anna said, it should be God's design. AND, you get to be awed and amazed as tour child grows up to be a beautiful girl/boy :)
Lol we were discussing this in science and I think I would at least for one child. I would design her to look like maiara Walsh when she appeard on the mean girls2. Very pretty person and then the rest would would probably natural.
while i understand and applaud the use of genetic research to end many of the genetic diseases. to choose the color of hair, skin, and even gender smacks at being unethical. we would be taking our evolution too much into inexperienced hands.
My sons loks no I wouldn't but if it was possible to make him not have colic or his health issues I would
NO! a baby is formed up the way it needs to be all good and stuff no... LET NATURE RUN ITS COURSE with out involving technology into EVERYTHING!