If we lose jobs due to the sequester that a polled majority think was cons fault,...


May 20, 2008
...why would cons think? That a majority would blame Obama on the loss of jobs?
Conservatives would take the blame for their mistakes, the same way that they always don't.
More and more keeps coming out about the Executive branch requesting cuts to be as painful as possible.

Lesson #1 - don't send an email. It always gets out into the public domain.
Conservatives are desperate right now. They don't want to reverse themselves and admit they were wrong, but many of them failed to think far enough ahead and to realize that the sequester will hurt Republicans far more than it will hurt Democrats.

Poor rural areas with low population densities tend to receive more in federal spending than they pay in federal taxes. Those areas will suffer most from the sequester. Wealthier urban areas with higher population densities, more businesses and a more robust tax base will be less affected by the sequester. That isn't propaganda, it's basic math.

Right now Republicans are desperate to point the finger at Obama because they are afraid that a majority of Americans will realize that in trying to oppose Obama they managed to shoot themselves in the foot, and pass legislation that would do the most harm to the most conservative portions of the US.