If we don't enforce our laws, we will become that country illegals fled.?


Beach Girl

If this is too long skip it. I would also like to remind you that those who break the law should live in fear of the consequences; otherwise, the law ceases to be a deterrent. Those criminals, who break the law without fear of consequences, or concern for their fellow citizens, are sociopaths. If we want anyone, to obey any law, we must be willing to uphold all the laws currently on the books; otherwise, we make a farce of the concept of law, and encourage future disobedience. It is not wise therefore to propose to change, or nullify a law because many are currently breaking it with impunity, because the government lacks the resolve to enforce it. Those who break our immigration laws are criminals, whether they have entered this country illegally, or they are guilty of illegally hiring aliens to satisfy their bottom line. To say that we should mitigate the proscribed penalties for breaking the law, because all of these criminals are willing participants in violating our laws, for their own gain, at the expense of law abiding, legal citizens of this country is absurd! If you would solve the problem of illegal immigration, enforce the current laws, otherwise prepare for an even greater volume of illegal aliens in the future, who have been encouraged by the greed of unethical business and the lack of integrity of our elected officials in upholding our constitution, our laws, our borders, our national sovereignty and the rights and privileges of the law abiding citizens of this country!
I grown up when the forging of federal documents was a criminal offense. Many of my peers would have loved to have been able to use "improper documents" to purchase liquor and cigarettes when we were teenagers. I wish we'd known that false, forged IDs were only "improper" documents and were not illegal.
I guess the pro illegal feels that criminal possession of forged documents is acceptable, because the immigrants using these documents are fleeing oppression to be able to work for a little more than minimum wage. Please quit complaining. If we don't enforce our laws, we will become that country you fled. Then where are you going to go to next?How foolish our border policy has become?