If u met a delivery guy (college student doing it for the cash) would it be


New member
Feb 13, 2008
weird to ask him out? Read details So yesterday i met this guy. He delivered something at my work (I work in an office) & I had to call his cell phone from my cell phone as I had to find out where he was in the loading dock to show him how to get to our office floor.

So on the trip up to my office we got to talking and we got to know each other. He was a Phd student doing this for extra money and I had just graduated university and this was my first job in an office. We talked about our future aspirations and bla bla bla. It was a candid conversation.

I thought we hit it off but I never got to find out if he had a girlfriend. So my question is,

Do you think it would be weird if I text messaged him on the phone to :
Tell him that I hope my manager wasn't too mad at him yesterday. (He had delivered the wrong product). Then see where the text conversation goes from there?

Would he think Im some kind of weirdo stalker?
Also, im just worried I'll embarrass myself if he had a girlfriend.

What should I do?
I was talking to him in person, while I showed him where our office floor was.