If this woman rejects Christ will she go to hell?


New member
Feb 24, 2010
in this hypothetical example, Camille, 38, forgets to pick up her two preschool children at the daycare center. For this she receives a beating from her husband. She has believed the wife's duty is to obey her husband and he has an obligation to chastise her when she requires correction by slapping her face once or twice with his open hand. Usually the beatings are administered in the privacy of the bedroom but this time correction was administered in front ot the children. Being resentful of this the woman contacted her pastor who sided with her husband reminding her of what had been the woman's own beliefs.

But this time the woman has questions about whether this is right and decides it is not right and decides to get even with her husband by committing adultery with one of her husband's co-workers
Please show me in which part of the Bible Jesus Christ said it was alright for husbands to physically beat their wives?

If I was this 'hypothetical' woman I wouldn't go to my pastor I would go straight to the police and have my abusive bastard husband arrested and thrown in prison.

Men who hit their partners are cowardly scum.
Two wrongs never make a right and in this case there are three wrongs. First the husband should never strike his wife, the minister should not have sided with the husband and for the wife to commit adultery is the third wrong, all have sinned.
The women need to get out of the unhealthy marriage and away from that crazy church that she belongs too..From what you said the lady is already under her husbands complete control, lacks confidence and is nothing more then a slave in her own home. If she has an affair and her husband finds out he will probably kill her. If l did not know better l wound say that they are Muslims. living under sharia law.
Really it should have been the pastor sent to hell --- if the judgement of your gods is to the ownership of women and the use of violence tell your god he isn't good enough for my dog let alone me