If there's no such thing as premonitions, how do you explain a dream coming true?


New member
Sep 1, 2009
I'm a psychology junkie.
In my psych. class today, we went over dreams and why we dream and what they mean. We also discussed how there's no such thing as psychics and predicting the future. But I think having a dream about something, and then having it come true right down to the very last detail, exactly as it was in your dream is more than just a bizarre coincidence.

See, in my dream, I was having sex with this guy that I had been talking to. We were drinking red wine. He hates red wine, or any kind of wine actually. But he hates it with a passion. He never drank it with any of this other girlfriends, and even if he wanted to get messed up, he still wouldn't drink wine to do so. Anyways, so we drank the wine, and started to have sex. The condom broke and I feel as if I need not explain anything else.

Ironically, 2 days later, I found myself driving up to his house, with a bottle of red wine that I'd picked up earlier to bring over to a girl friend of mien'shouse. When I got there he was already drunk, having just left the bar. I decided to drink a little bit, and so I opened the bottle. Ironically, I offered him some, and he said no at first, but then consented to drinking it with me. Later on, the condom really did break and it was as if everything happened the way I had dreamed it would.

I ended up not getting pregnant, which I was both relieved and somewhat saddened about.

But if there is no such thing as premonitions, how can you explain what happened?
You remembered the dream, and you acted on it, even is subconsciously, to make it come true. The broken condom was just a coincidence, or maybe you changed your memory of the dream afterwards to match the event.

I still don't believe in predicting the future.
its more like you follow thru with your dream....it wasnt like it was meant to happen...like some kind of accident...u did what you dreamt about...a premintion i believe( im prolly wrong) is u seeing something that could happen but its not by the actions of the person who had it but by an outside force....lets say you had the dream but hes the one who brought over the wine to drink with you and the condom broke..that would be more of the preminition...you saw him do the things not yourself