If talking to a friend and they are with someone else, should I make


May 29, 2008
eye-contact with other person too? Sometimes I find it weird if I bump into a friend/acquaintance somewhere and they are with someone I don't know. Let's say at the grocery store or in between classes on campus.

Sometimes we'll do small-talk and do a 45-second 'catch-up'... and during this time, I don't know if I should make eye-contact with the person who is standing there with them (in a way just to acknowledge them/include them/ not ignore them like they aren't even there)

Sometimes I am briefly introduced to the other person, sometimes not (I guess because it's just a quick "moving-along" hello goodbye)

In any circumstance, I don't know whether to look at the person while I am briefly talking about myself or replying to what my acquaintance says to me. Sometimes it feels natural (if the other person is facially responsive or at least doesn't look completely bored), other times it doesn't and I wonder if I am being over-accommodating.

And in REVERSE, sometimes I find it annoying when my boyfriend runs into someone, maybe I am briefly introduced to the person, and they go on to talk and SOLELY make eye-contact with my boyfriend as though I am an inanimate object. Meanwhile I am forced to standby because I have nowhere to go and just stuck there until their conversation ends (what else can I do, look at the ceiling?), but I feel like such a tool to have to pretend to 'follow along' and stand there politely while the other person is not even looking at me.

How do these situations work?