If Obama is such a tyrant, then why is Roger Ailes still alive?


New member
Oct 1, 2010
Tyrants don't let the owners of news corporations that continually criticize their administrations to live. If Obama actually were a "tyrant" as the right-wing claims, then Roger Ailes along with a majority of FOX News anchors would already have died under mysterious circumstances. An assortment of methods, including staged car accidents, kidnappings and "random acts of violence" would have occurred which resulted in almost every single senior executive or news personality at FOX News being dead.

If the people at FOX News are still alive, then how can people claim Obama's a "tyrant", when any proper tyrant would have had all of them disposed of years ago?
Blocking FOX News from press conferences is not tyranny. It's simply eliminating an organization from the White House Press pool that has no journalistic credibility, and no right to refer to themselves as a news organization.

That's just getting rid of the hooligans so the serious reporters can do their job without interruption.
@ Brian - or you could come back to reality and just realize that "tyranny" is the new buzz-word of the right wing echo chamber and has no relation whatsoever to the original definition of the word tyranny.
Obama is playing the long game. He's too smart for the obvious stuff.

He'll get them with his cancer gun, and heart attack ray when they are in their 70s and 80s.
He's just making them sweat and keeping them afraid all the time by never knowing when he'll strike. Like a cat playing with a mouse before.....
If you remember he attempted to block them from the white house news conferences it was only the other stations that said no to that. So it looks like Obama is a tyrant.
It hasn't gone so far as to eliminate the opposition but it has gone so far as to discredit the opposition to the point that at interviews, FOX news reporters are screamed at by some: FOX lies! Also there was a major effort to discredit sponsors on FOX. It is incredible to me that it is so easy to avoid answering questions by just calling those who ask liars and enemies. That is very dangerous. How do you know they aren't telling the truth? Do you research anything that FOX has to say?

They could never get away with eliminating the people on FOX. They are too much in the public eye. I am not insinuating that this administration would do such a thing but they have no problem trying to eliminate the network by portraying them as a less than credible source. Media Matters was started with the sole purpose of discrediting FOX and they are tax exempt.

Obviously only cheer leaders for Obama are credible to you. Do you see how he has tricked you into never hearing anything negative about his administration? NBC has repeatedly edited reports to change how the viewer perceives reports but have you ever concluded the entire network is an unreliable source? No because Obama didn't infer that. You people are sheep. BAAA
You are trying to apply a totalitarian concept to a free society. The tyrants you equate this too are dictators who control their governments completely. Obama is the President, he is not a dictator and enjoys no such level of control. If Ailes were to die under mysterious circumstances he would just be replaced with another just like him. Therefore there is really no benefit to kill someone for general criticisms. As for mass killings at Fox. That would result in investigations because it would go beyond coincidence. Tyranny in a free society is much more subtle than in a totalitarian one, but it does occur whether you choose to believe it or not.

Edit: Hey believe whatever you like. But kindly spare us the "I am smarter than you attitude" when posting ignorant crap like you have here. I know you think you are clever but in reality you are a joke. And just for the record one of the definitions of tyranny according to Websters is "a : a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler". This more than adequately describes Obama's use of executive orders to impose by fiat that which he cannot achieve through legislation.