If Lily Evans didn't die and Harry wasn't the chosen one, would Snape?


New member
Aug 12, 2011
still have been a death eater? Would he have helped Voldemort and kill people? Why or why not?
Please explain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's still the issue where it was a love spurned and James was still in the picture. Lily loved James and he was bullied severly by James and his friends. That was a contributing factor in Snape's decision to become a death eater. The fact that Lily's life was threatened and was killed, was enough for Snape to realize the error of helping Voldemort.
If it were only James out of the picture and Lily was perfectly fine, Snape would have made a move on her. that doesn't mean he would have given up being a Death Eater.
Yes. Because even though everybody always makes Snape out to be this tragic hero (which I guess he is) just because he protected Harry when Lily died, they don't seem to realize that he is still an incredibly selfish character. He was perfectly happy to let people die. If Voldemort had chosen Neville, it would have been business as usual for Death Eater Snape, because he wasn't in love with Alice Longbottom. Snape didn't care about doing the "right thing." Ever.