if i walked out on a job without telling the employer, can future jobs find that out?


New member
Mar 5, 2010
when i worked at bill millers bbq i started hating it over time and decided to not show up one day and ended up never going back. i plan on filling out applications again at other places. question is, when i fill out my job history and i don't put bill millers because i walked out. can the new job employer find out that i worked there and that i quit without telling anyone.
There are websites and services that provide employers with a work history of individuals. It doesn't guarantee that your history will be made available, but it's possible.
just dont put it on ur resume. lots of ppl do that, its no biggie. It's not like u have to tell them ur pant size too and what u eat for breakfast or weather u wipe or drip.
this happened to my uncle not so long ago: it depends.
just dont list it. its not a big deal, because if you write it down; then they usually call your last two jobs. so the smart thing to do is leave that gap of time blank as unemployed.
i mean whos gonna find out if you dont list it..