If I get caught in the act of PDA after school, is it still against the rules?


New member
Mar 29, 2011
I was caught giving my girl friend a slight kiss outside of school before I got on the bus. It was after school, but i was still on school grounds. Is this punishable? Because I am being suspended for 10 days for doing it today. (note: I got called up to the office and was given a huge llecture earlier this morning.)
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH SCHOOLS THESES DAYS? Write a LONG ass note on why you you should not be punished..

Suspended 10 days for a PDA? That sounds pretty rough, let me guess you have a record? It is STILL the school day until you get on the bus for the record, so it WASN'T after school. Also since it was school grounds it is still against the rules.
It depends on your school rules, there is no set law for this. Look up your school's policy. I know that at my school it was punishable but rarely enforced. Are you in middle school, I don't see a senior getting in that sort of trouble for a kiss. Kind or silly..

Youve gotta be leaving something else. Get outta here, a slight kiss is cute, you had to of done something worse. no use lying to the internet.
sgoldper is absolutely correct, bud. A "Slight Kiss" probably wasn't a kiss on the cheek, or very discreet. In fact you probably smooched her after everyone was on the bus waiting. But still, talk with your parents have them phone the school, otherwise your screwed. Sadly, having a juvenile sit at home all day for 10 days wasn't a very bright move by the school. I would have just had you sit in detention or something. Just know there are rules that everyone everywhere has to follow no matter how stupid, like SHAVE YOUR HEAD BRITTANY SPEARES stupid. But we still have to follow them. From now on if you wanna kiss your girlfriend do it somewhere BESIDES school.