If Democrats Really thought Bush spent to much why whine about going back to...


New member
Jun 25, 2008
...2006 levels & saving 2.5 trillion? over 10 years? That's not nearly enough for the fiscal health of this country, but it's a step. A step democrats, after all their ranting, are unwilling to take & they even tag those who do as hating this & that because of it. Do the democrat voting blocks even pay attention? Or are the so focused about what the government can do for them right now they are willing to destroy the country with their greed & everyone will lose almost everything they have, including jobs, food prices & fuel prices will go further through the roof as the dollar dies. Everything will cost more, & everyone will be able to make much less for the same amount of work.

Why is government control over the people, which is what you get with high tax & spend, so important when everyone will have less because of it?

They tend to harp on the divide between rich & poor ... but the fact is whenever this is shrunk the poor end up with less. Is it worth making the poor poorer to make that gap closer? That's not a guess, it's a fact. Every country that relies on an actual natural economy that's not focused on a boon of national resources like oil, or a parasitic pursuit of Banking like a couple tiny rich nations which isn't sustainable in a large nation for a nationwide economy, is subject to that reality; the rich getting less rich = poor getting even poorer. The gap in the US & other booming economies gets huge, but it helps all involved. Poor in the US are wealthy in most countries in the world. Poor in Hong Kong were wealthy in China, where the gap was much closer except for the ruling elite. They started out one nation, and in China you have a good study in economic reality. Hong Kongs free market economy boomed, China's economy which is an Obamamites collectivist dream, sucked eggs & the people were lucky to get an egg to suck.

The recipe for a good economy that is best for everyone is free market Capitalism, there is no question of this, only lunacy where Capitalism is criticized for it's imperfections, but NEVER honestly compared to the alternatives. I mean the UN does studies, but those so called studies are nothing but reverse engineered crap which are jokes, so unfunny in their dishonest criteria that it takes a sorry stupid buffoon who is not even worthy of clown school, to take them seriously.

What is the deal? Is it short sighted greed that gets these groups of buffoons to back Economy destroying policy that can only end in disaster for all but the ruling class?
Ratto, what did Bill Clinton used to say? IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID ... that's THE TOPIC, STUPID
Jim Bean ... stop with the dishonest bullshit. Democrats were in as deep as Bush. Clinton said he would have invaded the same way. It's not "Bushes Wars". How can you have a clear perspective while lying to yourself? Letting others tell you lies anyone with at least half a brain could figure out are untrue?
R ... to avoid being a practicing fool, when you talk about Capialism being destined to fail, maybe you can suggest a more viable option THAN THE HANDS DOWN MOST SUCCESSFUL ECONOMIC MODEL IN WORLD HISTORY? That is most successful for all people, rich & poor, unless you use a nonsensical measure as in the gap between rich & poor & just ignore the actual condition of the poor in the US as opposed to the poor in countries that use different models. The whole gap thing is propaganda by those who wish to put themselves in Oligarchic positions of extreme power & opulence, and use you as a slave, or serf if you want to get technical. Then the gap between rich & poor will be nill, if you don't count the ruling elite, which they don't. They are just above it all and you don't talk about them if their rules prevail ... but your lot in life will be extremely less than it is now. Your freedom, your comforts, your rights will go by by. Sound Good?

Stop being an idiot sheep.