If could destroy one continent

wait so you are willing to wipe out a massive landmass because of a country that is smaller than the state of mississippi. jesus why don't you just nuke em.
Because the activists would be bending him over so fast he wouldn't be able to enjoy his victory
dont make any more of this shit as soon as i saw this I knew id find 20 answers saying canada because everyone on here is an idiot. and screw continents im blowing up half the moon so its always out on the aussies side and I get permanent day.
Asia. They have North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, violent religions, the possibility of bird flu, SARS, and over population. Fuck that shit.
Canda has geese. Geese is goose. Goose on the loose. Look there's caraboose.

Using the transitive property one can infer that Canada has Caraboose so Canada must die.
he makes such a strong point that i am compelled to agree.....he's almost as good as chris hanson...."please take a seat sir"