If anyone watches Rookie Blue and follows the cast on twitter I have a question...


May 14, 2008
...about this one person? Who is this guy, Chuck Snitchler? The entire cast & crew cater to him. Originally I thought he was a cameraman or electrician but I found the below they call him "super fan". WTF?? I'm trying to understand. What makes him better than all the other fans and "queen bee"?? Who appointed him? Self-appointed? Ok nothing against the guy, I don't know him but I've belonged to other fandoms in the past (before twitter) and this brings unpleasant flashbacks: there's always one person who self-appoints themselves "super fan" and is in touch with the show's star and other fans defer to that one fan very submissively and the "queen bee" (typically female) acts like they are god and decide if your questions go to the star or if you're even worth to belong to their forum etc. They were actually quite an obnoxious whack job and pretty soon there's so much drama splitting the fandom into resentful fans who became haters and stopped watching and then next thing you know the show was cancelled.

Again if you're friends with this dude, no offense, don't know his MO yet, I'm sure he's very nice (I hope) but my question is: why is the entire cast & crew deferring to him as if he were the most important fan in the entire viewership?? Why do they all tweet him? He recently posted stuff about some distant relative dying and the entire cast was tweeting condolences & here I thought someone's mother or wife or kid had died and it was just some great aunt or something. WTF?? How do they all know him & favor him above answering other fans' tweets what gives? (Inevitably this causes resentment among other fans who are overlooked in favor of one self-appointed person).

So is he the creator of the Rookie Blue forum, does anyone know? I thought it was a girl owner there. Or what did he do to deserve the title? I googled him and found this below but tons of other fans make youtube videos and tumblrs and fansites so what was it? Was he first? Is he rich and jobless and was able to be the first on the set when the show hadn't even aired? What am I missing here?

Hey there!
Chuck is really nice person and a very respectful fan.
During the 3 years day by day he's doing an outstanding job promoting and supporting the show. He is always searching and sharing something new about the show and it's cast and crew: photos, interviews, video etc. Not everyone is able to do this and spend so much time for free like Chuck does. His Twitter timeline and Facebook page (which is mentioned on the official RookieBlueTv twitter account) are very interesting and informative. Also he was on Rookie Blue set twice and he knows all the actors personally. Read Twitter timeline of any of the cast/crew, you'll see that they are very nice to their fans and always reply if they have a time of course.
You probably know that there are many fake profiles and pages on Twitter and Facebook. Lots of people were fooled by those fakers. Chuck made a lot to stop the fraud and to let people know the real actor's accounts.
I appreciate that what Chuck does for the show, cast/crew and other fans.
I think that's enough to call Chuck "a super fan".