Iam a Muslim by faith. Christian by spirit. Jew by heart and above all I am a...


New member
Oct 10, 2010
...human being.? Dr. Tawfik Hamid.

I completly agree with and share the sentiments expressed by the Author ! He has, however, forgotten to mention one factor; the Islam described in the following article and the one currently practiced by most Arabs is the Wahabism promoted by the Saudi Arabia ! The Saudis have gone all out to block the original teachings of Islam and the Kouran, and created the hateful atmoshere preached by Wahabi.. If you have a chance to read the book, 'Two Faces of Islam", you'll get a better view of the situation..

Unfortunately, the current administration in Turkey is dragging the Country to align with the Saudis, and is restricting women's rights and individual freedom.

Do you agree or disagree?
Well, I've spent time in Istanbul, and while there is plenty of evidence of conservative Islam, the city is overwhelmingly secular in practice, and many Turks are not at all happy about attempts by conservatives to move the country away from the status quo.
Ummmm. Okay.

I disagree that that is possible.

Spirit and heart are the same thing in this context.

And What does that mean, anyway? To be Christian by spirit?

Above all, we are all human beings...that's a good thing to identify with.