I want to wear hijab but I keep thinking that I will look ugly and everyone...

I love it when people gossip about me because its good to know that i'm the centre of their world.
what would you say to allah when he ask why didn't you wear hijab?
i kept thinking people will start gossiping about me?
you should start thinking about the day of judgement.
Well, althou i am not muslim but i believe ppl will respect u more for wearing a hijab. anyways wearing hijab, u shudnt b concerned on how u look, its the feelings and beliefs behind it. If u believe wearing a hijab will do u good as believing and following ur instincts and ur religion then u should do it.

Also, Ask ur friends, wht they think about it? if ur more concern over not looking good and ppl will gossip about u, let them do it. As soon as u will start wearing it everyday..sooner ppl will forget about this, As far as i know, muslim girls wear hijab to protect themselves from bad eyes of men. If u want to do it then do it for ur belief and dont worry at all about others.. be confident and shiny...