I want to join a martial arts class but..?


New member
May 17, 2008
I know nothing about fighting sparring anything like that and I am kind of embrassed to go because I think there will be like professional people that know how to kick punch etc... and I would be made of fun of because I don't know shit what should I do thanks.
I had these fear to, but in reality they were weary nice and helped me:) at the first time I didn't even train and just watched because I was scared:/ at the 2 and 3 training/lesson the trainer had to actually pull me in the gym:) but now I'm mor comfortable.
If you want to do a martial art then do it:) and others will not make fun of you:)
but what? your NEW your not suppose to know anything nobody will laugh at you because everybody there went through the same thing if anybody does laugh then they shouldnt be there and they probably suck at what they do some tips i can give you is SILENCE ABSOLUTE SILENCE unless asked a question this is not just for martial arts but almost anything else try to stay focus on what your suppose to "FUKK I HOPE I DONT DO ANYTHING STUPID" shouldnt be in your mind also after the first month or so when youve adjusted yourself STAY A GOOD STUDENT plz dont start being the funny guy
They were rookies too

Do not feel embarrassed

Just do not go to a Mcdojo and expect to be a Bruce lee in a week

Control your ego and be humble
news flash- we don't expect the beginners to know anything. I often don't even expect them to know how to make a proper fist (this includes all student adults kids, males, females)- that is always the very first thing I teach. Your there to learn. So don't feel nervous about that.