I wana make it into the ufc or wwe ?


New member
Jul 13, 2008
I am in grade 10 and i wana be a lawyer but i dont think i can get in kaw school my grades are like B's some A's if that doesnt works to good for me i always wanted to make it into the ufc or wwe so how do i make it ? what is the avearge pay ? and what are some risk about these jobs ? can u die ?
If you seriously want to do this as a profession I would join your high schools wrestling team ASAP. Get as much experience as you can with grappling (wrestling and jujitsu) as you can. I would also look into joining a martial arts gym as well. Probably the most useful martial art(s) to know in MMA are Muay Thai (Thai Boxing), Kenpo Karate, brazilian juijitsu, or judo. Then one you get comfortable enough with your training to put it to the test look into doing small time fights (rage in the cage, king in the cage etc) and hopefully someone big will take a look at you so you can fight in the UFC. Just from experience, most fighters make their money from training people at their gyms or endorsements since in a given year a fighter might only have 3 big fights. There are only a hand full of fighters in the UFC than can live just off of their fights. There have been studies that shows MMA is safer then boxing, football, hockey, or any other contact sport out there. In the UFC the refs main concern is safety. Bottom line is, have a solid fall back in case you can't make a full living off of mma. Some good web sites for mma are: http://media.proelite.com/mma101/mma101.html
well it takes years and years of training to get to the levels

I have been training for almost 13 years
and i still compete amature