I use internet explorer, I'm on vista and my internet always says "not


May 16, 2008
respoinding" why? Well, It happens at least once a day I get on and I'll click some link and it will freeze and say "not responding" or w/e and then ill click somewhere and itll bring up to close the program restart or wait, i click close or restart and if i click wait, nothing ever happens!
this will even happen like 3 times a day and ill have like 4 windows open and they all get exed out and it makes me so mad...
I have norton and its pretty good and my computer isn't old or slow, its just the dang internet and it pisses me off,
sooo does anyone know what will help?
Nasty old vista combined with internet exploder. Next you will give us the recipe for putting nitroglycerin on a compact disk, so we can completely kill our PC's.
I can't comment on Vista, but Norton's is a memory hog. Get rid of it... get AVG Free

You also might want to download FIrefox. http://en-us.www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/system-requirements.html
When I got my new computer a few months ago that happened to me. Just instead of clicking on the vista internet{which I personally think sucks} go into programs and find the original internet explorer. It will work alot better. I hope I helped!