i think i know a sociopath who has an obsession with gossiping about me. what


Active member
May 11, 2008
can i do? i have known her for 14 years and on and off she has always been a part of my life. when growing up she could never let me have anything for myself. she literally fits all the criteria for being a sociopath. she married my husbands brother and is now getting a divorce. in the 4 years of her being married to my brother-in-law she has gossiped and lied about me and somewhat my husband so much that his family doesn't seem to like us and has never really given me a chance. now they are getting a divorce and i feel very confused. this is my time to finally get her out of my life but i am so frustrated with all the lies and games she played. it is pointless to confront her, because she seems to never think anything at all is her fault -ever. she will most likely deny it. but what i am so concerned about is that both her soon to be ex-husband and her soon to be ex mother-in-law keep telling me that she had this weird obsession with me. that she would literally talk about me, gossip about me EVERYDAY. that she always had to dog me to look better. her ex-husband said it was borderline obsessive. yet she would be my "best friend forever" when she talked to me or we were all out together. what is even more weird is that we would go days, or months without speaking so how did she have so much to say?
should i be concerned? what do i do to keep her away from me? is there a way to get her to stop her incessant gossip?
Get that woman in a mental institute right away. Such an individual is not appreciated in society.

-Yeah, she's going to kill you in your sleep.
holy snap. well, you could always move away? i mean she can't watch you (if she is) if she doesn't know where you live. yes you should be concerned, or rather, i would be. you could either confront her, or just avoid her altogether