I think i got hired at taco bell but I'm not sure? please help me clarify it?!?


May 15, 2008
So im 16 and i had two interviews at taco bell they went VERY well. I had to wait about 2 weeks for the second one. Then one week passed and i got a call from the manager (today) asking if i was still interested in the job. i said yes. she told me to go to taco bell tomrow so she can discuss pay and hours. Does that mean I'm hired?! Btw, i am a guy so not to sound weird or anything what should i wear? For my previous interviews i wore jeans and a good shirt.
Im so excited but do you guys think i got hired?!?!?!
Why would they discuss your hours and pay if they weren't going to hire you? "Hello mister dude, we have a shift tomorrow from 9-4:00 and one on saturday for a 4-10:00 you will be payed minimum wage... Oh and by the way, you're not hired" ... Does that really make any sense..?

I believe you're hired.. unless you dislike the pay and can't work the hours they have open for you. Eh, I'd wear a polo and shorts.