I recently bought the Canon XSi, should i return it and wait for the rumored Nikon


Jun 2, 2008
D5000 to be released? Any suggestions? Which brand do you generally prefer? I love Canon but I am willing to get the Nikon D5000 if it has better image quality and better features. Any input is appreciated.
Any suggestions? Which brand do you generally prefer? I love Canon but I am willing to get the Nikon D5000 if it has better image quality and better features. Any input is appreciated.

EDIT: also, CanonRumors.com has predicted a CANON 500D, which i would most definetly upgrade to. They predict a movie mode with contrast AF and 15.1 mp, with all other specs the same as the XSi.
depends on what your shooting.
personally i think canon are better if you are photographing people.
nikon definitely takes better action photos (skateboarding, snowboarding, sports)
I prefer Canon, but it's really a personal thing. If you're always stat hunting, you're never going to be out taking photos. DSLRs have evolved to the point where you'll only notice a difference in the pictures you take if you're a complete pro. Any camera will be just as good as any other for you.

Also, why the hell worry about movie mode? Spend $200 and get a used DV camera that will take infinitely better videos and leave your DSLR to do what it does best : photos.

there are people owning a mark2 that takes lousy pictures.
there are people owning a casio point and shoot that takes superb composition

canon, nikon, dslr, point and shoot, it doesnt matter, its not the hardware, its the user, the knowledge that he has that will bring out the stunning pictures