I ran my truck really bad tonight and few minutes after i went to start it...


May 28, 2008
...and only started when i gassed it d? I tried to get away from another car and i was flooring it, does it only need to cool down?
there are so many variable that can be going on with your truck ranging from you wrecked something to it could be warm to nothing is wrong with it and it didnt appreciat being beat on.... i would let it cool down and drive it normally ( nicely) and just wait and see if the problem still persist. keep a close eye on your guages and pay attention to the engine.... check your coolant and oil levels.. the temp guage wont work properly if your low on coolant... if the problem persists then i would start exploring things that might be wrong with it.
YOu may have popped something when you accelerated hard. This is what happens when you race your truck things will break!