I plan on getting a salt water aquarium. Any tips, I'm a newbie here.?


May 23, 2008
I have nothing.so I want to start of very slow... probably start with plants and see what happens from there.
okay. my dream fish, is a sea horse! yes i know they are very very very delicate creatures.

what books do you recommend I read?

What are the best filters, in your opinion?
What will I need to keep the tank in great condition?
thank you all. :)
To be honest, you'd better have at least 1,000 bucks or more saved for it. You need a tank, stand, mixture of sand/live rock, thermometer, surface skimmer, protein skimmer, sea horses die in captivity. Since you're a newbie, buy some sturdy fish like clownfish (nemos) and maybe a yellow tang (the "bubbles, my bubbles" fish from nemo). We use a canister filter plus the filter that came with the tank. Try picking up a saltwater for dummies book.