i picture myself flying out of a moving car onto the highway?

I'm an oneironaut (studier of dreams) and I have a book meant for interpreting dreams so here's what I could find on yours:

FLYING--This can symbolize your need or ability to rise above a situation or emotion, to avoid being involved to the point of reacting negatively. Ability to give good for evil. Flying could be an astral-travel remembrance, or can be a desire to move up to higher levels.

VEHICLES--according to the dictionary, are our means of convenience from one place to another. Since the should uses the body in much the same way, moving in and out at will, vehicles in general can represent your lifestyle.

HIGHWAY--Path of life, way to go, smooth path, many others going along with you, fast pace, main artery; could be moving along with the crowd or the flow of things.

So it seems like you're IN the car (being your lifestyle) and you get OUT of your lifestyle by flying, rising to better things. And end up landing onto the highway, with others going along the flow with you....I'm thinking (sorry if this may be offensive) that you're a bit depressed and alone because you're shy. Your dream is telling you that you want to leave the lifestyle of being shy and alone to get to where everybody is and fit in with the crowd.

This may be completely not you but that's at least my interpretation of it. Hope it helps :)