I need to get my son a present for Christmas but i need to get him a electrical


Active member
May 12, 2008
gadget/console any ideas? Needs to be under £150 please!
He is 14 years old.
older than 14? buy him mw3 for the wii or pc-lovely game- younger buy him something like that maybe ahhh....... super smash bros brawl for the wii etc you get the flow. but reallly i dont know yoru kid too well , so you know.....or maybe a xbox 360 would be a cool idea?
Why not get him something like a remote control car or a helicopter? I think you can get robots as well, or remote control Transformers... but they don't transform on their own... My younger brother ADORED his helicopter and ran it out of charge only soon after he opened it.

How old is he? That ^^ Is mainly for if he's younger than six, I think. Older than that, your best bet might be a Nintendo DS Lite, if he doesn't have one already. I think they're around 120 in Australian dollars, and you can get him new games from then on for him to play.

I hope I helped, sorry if I didn't!
