I Need Gypsy Names Pleaseeee?


New member
Jun 7, 2008
I have one its not really a gypsy name but its a name I like for a gypsy. Its Mirage. Any other suggestions for names that are more gypsyish? Male and Female? Please?
Thank you!
Gypsies are found all over the world. Places with a significant number (still not a lot thoguh) are Romania, Spain, and Turkey. They have the same names mostly as the people in their host country.

Dook means magic in gypsy language. Some Romanian names are Andrei, Ion, Florentina, Marius, Madalena... Turkish names sound Middle-eastern.
Maybe translate the word mirage into Romani (gypsy language), since most gypsies do not live in English countries.

I think you have the wrong idea of gypsies, and I suggest you read up about them first. They're not all romancy and travellers and care-free loving people like most Americans think for some reason. Americans do not know gypsies. They tend to be poor trash and that's it.