I need advice for my story, if you like it, if you have any suggestions,...


New member
Dec 25, 2010
...corrections, critiques, ect.? The two pills take their time to slide down my throat, making me feel sick or like I might choke. I take the water bottle from between my legs and take a big sip. Advil, how lost I’d be without you. Dry swallowing, I don’t understand how people do it.
I take time to look at what’s around me. I was sitting in the back corner of club Fix somewhere. There were five other couches around the one I sat on by myself. For the rest of the club, well there really wasn’t a lot to see since the crowd was so massive. I could see underneath the white lights flashing on and off bodies moving on the slanted dance floor,, pale skin, tan skin, dark skin, and sweat. I can’t find the faces that are familiar, just the unfamiliar ones. Where’d the familiar ones go? I try to think. Grab ahold of my brain that felt like it was floating away. J…Austin. What had they said to me?
“Bree,” the lips saying my name were next to my ear, it was almost impossible to hear them since the music was so loud, “Bree are you okay?” Was I okay? “Where is everyone else?” I didn’t know who was talking to me but I shrugged anyway. “You don’t know either?” The girl sighs real loud, “I wanted to call them but my phone died. How about yours?” I’m not sure if she expected an answer or not because she kept taking, “C’mon we should get out of here.” I couldn’t concentrate even if I wanted to. Not even on the girl who moved from behind me to standing in front of me. “They probably took off.” The girl reached her hand out to me. Was I supposed to go with her? I didn’t move just in case. “Bree c’mon,” she lifts my arm and pulls me off the couch. My water bottle falls off my lap, I didn’t think about picking it up and neither did she.
I didn’t resist her when she took me a couple feet away from the couch to stand, I don’t know why not. Maybe because she did know my name, and she seemed nice enough. “Bree you okay?”
I shrugged not sure what the answer was. I try to concentrate on my feet now. But it’s hard. I hope we weren’t going to start walking again anytime soon. Even just the few steps took a lot of balance to not fall over. I need to get used to standing again.
I look around the club again, trying to wake up. But I think I just got more lost. The club walls were like the mirrors in those tents you run through at the fair. The floor looked like the black top I played on in elementary school but full of taller kids and more people.
I close my eyes, and tilt my head back hoping it won’t fall off. I could still see the constant flashes of lights through my eye lids. How weird. It felt like years instead of just a few seconds that the girl started talking again.
“Say something you freak. You’re starting to worry me.” That was like an alarm clock in being I-have-no-idea-what’s-going-on world. After she said that she wasn’t just some girl, I knew who she was.
“Kimmy?” I turned to fast to look at her and almost fell over, “Kimmy?”
“Yeah its Kimmy…who did you think I was?” she slid her hand into mine as we started to walk, heading towards the mass of people in the center of the dance floor. I was glad to have Kimmy holding my hand as we started swerving around the dancing people. If she hadn’t been I would’ve for sure fallen over.
“I didn’t know really.” I laughed a little, feeling a little less lost.
“There’s something severely wrong with you. And I don’t mean just being drunk.” Kimmy shook her red head, “What have you been doing?” it’s hot in here I can feel my hand in Kimmy’s starting to sweat.
Maybe talking was helping me remember what happened, I don’t know, but I knew what had happened now. “Well I was with J, and Austin when you left with Crystal and I danced for a while. And J Austin and me stayed together for an hour or something but then J and Austin left.”
“They left you? ” She sounded offended, like she was me and they had left her.
“Well yeah. But I told them they could go.” It’s like Kimmy was a sponge absorbing all my confusion. I didn’t feel at all confused anymore.
“You’re stupid. Why would you do that. Where did they go? Were they going to come back?” Kimmy pushed a guy out of our way. He shot a look at her and she just smiled real big.
“Sorry,” I apologize for her while she kept talking.
“I can’t believe they left you”
“It’s not a big deal, they were gunna come back with what’s-her-face but I didn’t want her to come so I told them to leave and I’d wait for you to come back cause I knew you’d come back from wherever you went. Where’d you guys go? Where is Crystal?” what a long sentence. Maybe Kimmy couldn’t absorb all my drunky-ness.
“Oh good, okay well me and Crystal went to pick up Steven and Robin.” We were almost outside of the club now, it was really hot inside so I can’t wait to get out.
“And where did they go?”
“I dropped them off at Secret Park.” Kimmy stopped me from running into a couple making out. “I told them I’d go back after I got you J and Austin.”
“Oh.” I look down to the floor, letting Kimmy maneuver me around everything I almost run into the rest of the way out of Fix. It’s not normally like this. I’m not normally the one drunk. I’m not normally the one who needs to have her hand held. I’m not normally the one who can’t take care of herself. Normally I’m the one who holds Kimmy’s hand while she is drunk, and normally I take care of her. So this wasn’t normal.