I messed up REALLY bad on a math quiz?


May 14, 2008
My school uses this grading system: homework counts as 15% of your overall grade, quizzes count as 40%, and tests count as 45%. Anyways, I took a quiz on integers and I'm pretty sure I f*cked it up. there were about 4-5 questions out of the 25 questions that had integer equations and i did them the wrong way. there was an equation that said: 16-(-10). I though the answer was 6 because the way I see it, the -10 is moving down the number line 10 spaces, so i got 6. well, after i turned it in, i realized all my mistakes. our teacher doesn't let us take our quiz out of the basket, so i knew i was screwed, mainly because right now, i have an 88 in it. this may not seem bad, but i have really high standards for myself, so this is identical to failing. also, this is the last grading period we're going to get and i might not get a chance to redeem myself. what should i do to get my grade above a 93?
Talk to teach about extra credit or a make up quiz/corrections. If you can prove that you knew what you were doing and you just blanked on the quiz, most teachers will be happy to reward you for your efforts to get the best possible grade that you can.