I like this girl and asked her out. I can't quite read hear to know if she is...


May 18, 2008
...interested.? Sorry this is going be long. I like this girl I work with and have been meaning to ask her out. When I was going to do it a family member she cares for got sick and I decided to back off. Unfortunately, with my job it could be any day when I stop seeing her so I finally asked her out a week later and her response was "we can work something out." Eventually we had lunch, unfortunately it was with a group of my friends and her friends. Wanted to try again, but she ,honestly, became sick. I tried holding out again. When she was out of the hospital and had been out a few days I asked her again. Once again "we might work something out," but nothing ever came of it. I asked if she come out for my birthday which was a week later and she actually came. About ten days later me and her, as well as a few other coworkers, were sitting together talking about "stuff". At times she would say something look at me and say "for future reference". I took that as a hint but wanted to wait. Ten days later I got out of work early and wanted to try drinking with her for St. Pattys day and I felt like she was blowing me off. I really do think the world of this girl and that she will be something wonderful in the future, but I'm starting to feel like an idiot and that I should give up. I just wish I knew if she was truly interested.