I just need to vent a little.?


New member
Mar 13, 2010
My daughter will be 16 in December and she's asked me since last year if she could have a "Sweet 16" party. She's had a couple of birthday parties but with her birthday in December half her friends couldn't come. You know we can't afford a gift for her since it's in December and that's when Christmas is. So she's had a ruff time with birthdays. She can't help when she was born. It was just meant to be. It gets better..her older sisters birthday? Well it's the day after hers! God for bid that I had to have two in December, Any way. Since she's going to be 16 I figured it would probably be a lot easier getting her friends to come. She posted on her facebook that we were already planning her party and she's had 20 kids already asking if they could come. WOW I was surprised. Yeah, I'm planning it now. I have to find a place to have all those kids. She has a theme. Don't freak out about the name of the theme. It's just the name. The theme is "RAVE". She wants the neon lights and stuff that would be fun for them. She wants a cake that has the three different layers that look different but match. Well I found a place that works with my budget. Where I wanted to have it is going to cost $600 for 5 hours,plus a $75 cleaning fee, plus a $60 set up fee. Every where I look the cost of these places are so high priced! I mean $600? For a room? The place I found is nice. It's brand new and it was only $150 for 4 hours. No extra fees. I only had to put up a KEY deposit that I'll get back after the party. The problem is the place is really a bit to small. Not by much but it's too small. I don't know what I'll do. I don't want her disappointed. And I surely don't want her friends to walk in and go, OMG HOW LAME! I feel like I've been hit with a truck! I can put up tables for them to sit an eat or I can put up some tables, or no tables. I'm afraid there won't be enough room for them to dance or move around if I put enough tables for everyone to sit. I was doing the food myself and having the cake made. So I still need a couple of tables for the food to sit out on. This is going to be so awful it I can't get this worked out. Some of the kids are still going to be 15 and will need their parents to bring them and pick them up so I don't want it to be out of their way. I'm trying so hard to find a place in my area that's big enough for them all. I just want this to be the best party ever for her. Yeah, yeah yeah, there's 2 girls I really want to show up too. I know, I know, I know it's wrong. But evertime my daughter says she like something they try to beat her out so they can say she copied them. Like back last year she asked me if she could get her nose priece. It's small so I said yes. Tell me if one of the girls didn't rush to go get her's first just so she can tell my daughter she copied her. It's like that all the time. It makes my daughter feel like crap. So I want to really do this right. I sure hope I can find a place that's nice and affordable. I'm almost afraid to call any of the other places due to they cater to big wedding and lakes out front with big green lawns! I can't imaging the cost! Yeah I have to stay in budget no matter that I want to show up those girls or not. She has 60 people she's inviting and I'm sure all won't come but just in case they do I still need to make sure there's room for them all and plenty of room to dance. Lord what am I to do!
First of all, calm down. Your daughter should be thankful that she has a great mom. Maybe what you need to do is tell her to invite fewer people. Tell her that is by invitation only and that it will just like on MTV's Sweet Sixteen. There are a few links that I am posting on how to throw a great rave for those under 21. Hope this helps. http://www.ehow.com/how_6050213_throw-rave-party.html
http://www.ehow.com/how_2053155_throw-themed-rave.html http://www.ehow.com/how_5118436_use-black-light.html
Also consider that if I am to understand you the party isn't until December. You never know by then she may change her mind. And tell her to stop telling her friends so that they will stop doing the themes first.
It's as simple as asking her if she cares how big the room is. I wouldn't care. If I were her, I'd want SOME tables set up, but not enough to the point where there's no room to dance.. Have however many you need for the food, then have maybe 2 or 3 extra tables so if they want to sit down, they can. Honestly? It's a bunch of 15-16 year olds. If they're like every other teenager, they'll want to dance more than sit.