I just got my new puppy rottiweiler yesterday... HELP?!?


Jul 30, 2008
i just got him yesterday and his all over the place chewing everything! aha but i know this cause his a puppy, my question was how do i get him and my cat to get along, ive had my cat for about 2 years now i got her when she was a kitten, she absolutely hates the puppy always hisses at it and even tried to scratch him lol the puppy hasnt tried to attack her or anything his just a puppy he just wants to play, i was just want them to get along before he grows up because he will probably eat my cat! the reason why i got the rotti as a puppy so he could be brought up with my cat and also so i could train it. HELP! his sleeping right now so im resting
U really didn't read up on anything before you got him did you? Hmm, irresponsible much. Give him to a better home.