I have very interesting project for China heat producing companies. Help to...


New member
Jun 8, 2008
...find them? The project can save 30 - 50 percents of energy and heat carrier by simple and easy operated patented devices in each building. 8 years testing on many buildings in Ukraine. Now the situation in China is catastrophic. They use 3 - 5 times more coal then Western countries for the same heat. I know they give grant 30 dollars for each coal ton economy.
Help to find heat supply and producing companies or make mediation with them, please.I'm ready for mutual busyness.
below some additional details

Currently, existing in former Communist countries including China, heating supply system, worn out mentally and physically. Constant gusts of heat, loss of heat transfer fluid and other problems lead to social and economic (growth rate) tension. Technical ability radically improve the situation has existed for over 10 years and presents no special difficulties . The proposed technology doubles the extraction of heat from the coolant by batteries and transmitted to rooms of building. This saves coolant, reduces the temperature of the coolant return to the 8 - 10 degrees, which increases the production of Power Station electricity on 13 - 16% for the same amount of gas (coal, fuel oil). Alternative ways to enhance performance (Danfoss, Finland) is 15 times more expensive, require skilled personnel, which is difficult to train, and experience has shown their inefficiency in post-communist countries as Russia, Ukraine. Performance and reliability of our technology in Moscow confirmed by experiment in the heating season 2007 - 2008 year and confirmed each heating season in Kyiv, Kharkov, Zaporozhe and some other cities during both severe and mild winter. Effect of reducing the cost of gas by almost 50% (oil, coal) to heat the smaller mass of coolant (compensated for his return temperature heat from electricity generation) is provided by installation of devices in the most buildings provided by heat supply from the power station boiler. Installing the unit requires 3 - 7 hours of working time, when you stop feeding the heat no more than 40 minutes. The effectiveness of reconstruction 100% because does not depend on stuff qualification - the algorithm feeds the coolant through software adjusted by the inverse temperature dependence, as an integrating factor. It is the only device compatible with the "elevator" through which a heating network connected to the vast majority of buildings, as well as other schemes of heat supply. Work can be fulfilled according to usual welders, plumbers and electricians. Install one device at a building cost the consumer $ 2,000 and saves during the season at least three times for the end user and the same amount of heat to the provider. The effect of the project - reducing the gas quantity for at least 30%, an increase in electricity production by 13 - 16%, the ability to maintain the temperature of coolant in residential and public buildings on weekdays and weekends, to reduce the gusts of heat loss and heat, to extend the lifetime of all equipment . Reconstruction of coil systems on water coil slurry creates an even greater financial impact. At the moment we have all the necessary information and experience necessary to implement the project for the city.
- The approximate calculation of savings for a typical power station providing heat to 500 buildings on the heat charge of ~ 0.5 -1 Gkal / day / house(100 appartments). During the season saving * 500 buildings (0.5 - 1.0) * Gcal 210days ~ 50 - 100 thousand Gkal savings per season. At a rate of 140 cubic meters gas to Gkal and the effect of doubling at the power station and the additional economy for hot water supply (ratio 1.5) economy of the gas is (50 to 100 thousand) * 140 cubic meters * 2 * 1.5 = 20 - 40 million cubic meters. With the price of gas in Russia $ 100 per ton, and in Kazakhstan and Ukraine $ 250 per ton saving in money will be in Russia from 2 to 4 million dollars on one power station, and in neighboring countries is much greater. Saving for coal and china conditions need additional information. Additional electricity savings and water savings due to the reduced returned coolant temperature will give an additional 30 percent savings. The savings will be about $ 10 million for city with million population, or 30 -50 per cent reduction in the cost of heating for power station. In the Ukraine and Kazakhstan, the effect is even higher. Turn-key cost works including hot water supply 500 x 2 thousand objects will be approximately equal to $ 1 million
For more accurate calculations require data on the boiler and power station.
Currently, you can familiarize themselves with the instrument in several regions of Russia and Ukraine, in Moscow and Kiev (look.ill.)
All available information will be provide if any interest to system.
Implementation of the technology requires only a strong-willed efforts of the management to overcome stereotypes wasteful economy