I have high lever enzymes ALT AST. Should i be worried?


New member
Oct 22, 2011
I'm a 22 year old male. I started taking methadone on 4/3/11 a little over a month 05/18/11 they took some blood for testing and when the results got back they were pretty concerned about my AST ALT levels. They told me they were both about 3-5 times higher than normal and asked if i was an alcoholic. At the time i have been sober from alcohol for about 4-5 months but i used to get really intoxicated about 3-4 times a month for pretty much the whole year of 20010. Anyways, I asked what do high enzyme levels mean? and they didn't tell me anything but it could mean that i have liver damage but not to worry about it. This test was taken at the methadone clinic and they told me to follow up on it with my primary doctor.

It has been five months from the test and i still haven't seen a doctor because I'm absolutely terrified that its going to be something bad. I'm really frightened! I was looking on the internet and all i can see when searching about it is liver damage, disease and LIVER CANCER! AHHH So it is possible that i have liver cancer?

I weigh 180 and I'm 5'9 22 year old male. I take methadone. These are my levels.

AST (SGOT) H 252 IU/L (< 41)
ALT (SGPT) H 304 IU/L (< 46)

Those are my levels... I don't know what they mean. PLEASE do not write answers saying go see a doctor he will tell you. The reason i write this question is because i want to know what it means.
Does this mean they are damaged disease or cancer? Is this how they first test for liver cancer?
What would the doctor do if he tests me again and my levels are still high or increasing?

ALSO, I have read that methadone is a liver enzyme inhibitor. I do not know what that means but is it possible that methadone is the cause of the high enzymes? I have been blood tested a few times in my life and never have they said anything about high enzymes.

I read this but dont know what it means on wiki
It is metabolized by the enzymes CYP3A4, CYP2B6 and CYP2D6, with great variability between individuals
Methadone has a slow metabolism and very high fat solubility, making it longer lasting than morphine-based drugs. Methadone has a typical elimination half-life of 15 to 60 hours with a mean of around 22. However, metabolism rates vary greatly between individuals, up to a factor of 100,[46][47] ranging from as few as 4 hours to as many as 130 hours,[48] or even 190 hours.[49] This variability is apparently due to genetic variability in the production of the associated enzymes CYP3A4, CYP2B6 and CYP2D6. Many substances can also induce, inhibit or compete with these enzymes further affecting (sometimes dangerously) methadone half-life.
If you were and intravenous drug user and haven't been tested for Hepatitis C yet, I would get it done.
There are lots of common diseases which do not have may cure till date inspite of progress made by science. I am getting success with most of the common diseases with

the following.

Give up water and all other liquids for 24 hours. To avoid dehydration keep indoors.
On other days drink 1 glass of water 1 hour before each meal. The total water intake on these days should not be more than 3 glasses.

The reason and logic for the above in short is as under -
The cells of the human body are at the lowest level which produce energy. To produce energy cells burn glucose in presence of oxygen.
When there is more water in the cell then the energy producing capacity of the cell is significantly reduced. Reduced energy by the cells cause build up of water

outside the cells as well.
Continued less burning of glucose also causes accumulation of other items in the cell. That causes the cells to swell up.
This does not happen overnight.
There are various checks in the body to avoid build up of water in the cells. Like whenever there is change in temperature the body adjusts the amount of water that

cells carry. When this adjustments fails due to some reason the body tries various modes to get rid of the excess water - sinus, cold and cough, adrelin levels, water

reduction thru increased urine etc.
There are certain other complications that happen due to build up of excess water in the cells. One is build up of bacteria and infections in the body.
These bacteria or infections cause the increase in the body temperature. The increased temperature takes care of the situation.

What is the reason for cancer. Same. There are tumours in all kind of cancers. The tumours are caused due to cells not dieing. The reason for cells not dieing is cells

not producing enough energy and that prolongs their life cycle.
What is the cure for cancer. The cure for cancer and all other common ailments is same. I found that sinus, cold, cough, IBS, skin blood clots, slip disk, dry skin,

IBS, mouth ulcers, renal failure etc can be cured effectively by giving up water and all other liquids for 24 hours to 48 hours. This has been tested on more than 50

persons so far. Thru Yahoo Answers this same been tested on more than 100 people but I do not have conclusive proof of this. The cerainity with which relief is

produced in 24 hours gives enough hope for cancer cure in 15 days.

Now what happens when there is excess water in the cells. That causes build up of excess water outside the cells. That causes pain in the entire body due to constant

excess weight on the cells. That also causes the infections to build up. The antibodies causes the increase in body temperature.

After treatment of cancer patients with chemo etc they are asked to avoid getting in touch people with cold and cough. The chances of such people catching infection is


By giving up water what happens in the body. The blood acids go up by 10% in 24 hours due to reduction in water content by 5% of body weight. That produces enough heat

in the body. That causes the infections not to grow, water to come down, there will be more energy production. Increase in body temperature is enough indiction of

antibodies becoming more effective. Google on fever and treatment.