I have heard about a way to travel cheaply across the USA to sight see..please...


New member
Jul 23, 2009
...advise.? Hello all,
I have seen somewhere on the web...it said that Amtrak offers something like a 30 day unlimited nationwide rail pass for only $286 or close to that... where you can travel anywhere in USA that you want to...I imagine this as like one of those wristbands at the county fair where you can ride all the different ones unlimited all you want...is this the correct assumption? Has anyone ever bought one of these $286 tickets?
I know there are regional tickets for less...I think the unlimited pass for the Northeast is something like $199 or something...anyways...I am looking for anyone with firsthand experience with rail travel of this kind? Or if you have rail travel experience at all.
I am retired and thinking about traveling my country alone and staying at Youth Hostels...I have read up on it and you can stay at them very cheap...and they arent just for youths anymore...I have also investigated "couch crashers"...another option.
I am thinking of backpacking across the usa but with an HI card for the Hostels and also joining "couchcrashers" and also buying this rail pass...I get a fixed income of $1560 per month but it is all disposable..I have no savings...but I think with this rail pass and one months check in my pocket....I should be able to see a lot of America, i.e. Grand canyon, Golden Gate, Statue of Liberty, etc... with one of these rail passes and $1500 to spend on food for the month if I lodge cheaply.
Has anyone ever had any experience with any of this?
also, is there high speed internet available on Amtrak trains? I would need to take my laptop for my Yahoo Answers of course! haha
I have spent the last few years laying in bed recovering from an accident and am now able to get up and around....I would like to go to see some things around the US now...I am sick of lying here.
Please offer any advice if you have any at all experience with any of the above.
Thank you in advance for your time,
Perry in FL