I have had a guinea who has just lost her friend from 2 years would she be ok...


New member
Jun 2, 2008
...being introduced to a new one? They had been together for two years and would it be too much of a shock introducing a new one?
I had to guinea-pig brothers who argued a lot so much so we had to give the bully back to the rescue place. They had been together before we got them, so I am unsure how long. When we sadly took him back, the rescue lady had a little batch of baby guinea-pigs. She wanted to match our current guinea-pig up with one, so sat all day watching, and found one! They both lived very happily together :D
With my gerbils (i know there're different) they were two sisters and had been together for nearly 4 years. We bought two new gerbils who were also sisters and asked the shop which would be the best way to introduce them. They reccomended the split cage method. We didn't even buy a proper cage or anything, just hitched up two walls of wire mesh in the current cage.

After a week, we swapped them round sides so they could get used to each others smells, and after 3, we removed the wire. My dad was on standby with a leather glove in case they went for each other. At first, Ola and Smudge fought a little (although I have heard that you're meant to introduce them in a neutral environment like another box so perhaps that was the problem) but after a while we had to leave to go out. When we came back they were all snuggled up together asleep.

Smudge (the older one who lost her sister) was given a new lease of life by having the two youngsters running around. She died at the old age of 6 and now we just have Heidi and Ola.

So I would say it should be fine if you do it carefully and ask the et shop first.
Guinea pigs are social and should be keep with atleast one other. Of course when you have one that has lost a friend you need to slowly introduce the new one so they get used to each other. Have you thought of adopting a rescue one there are always so many look for loving new homes though not fault of there own and the rescue can help find the best match for the one you already have and how to safe introduce them.
i would get a spare guineapig cage, and then try introducing them slowly. if they dont like eachother, then you still have that guineapig cage for the other one. however, 2 years is a long time in a guineapigs life, so i doubt she would not be okay.