I have a netflix account but i was wondering if i get a dvd sent to my...


May 12, 2008
...house do i have to pay extra? i mostly just use the instant queue but some movies have to be mailed so i was confused if you have to pay extra or not.
no you dont. they will send it and it will be there in a day. 2 at the most.
It depends what you are set up for. Netflix just started offering an instant streaming only for $7.99 per month. The other plans all send out dvd's. I would sign into your Netflix account and at the upper right hand corner it says account if you click there you can view your plan. It will either be instant streaming only, 1 dvd at a time, 2 dvd's at a time, 3 dvd's at a time, or 4 dvd's at a time. Then if you do get dvd's just add some to your dvd queue.