I feel air/wind blowing in my ear.?


May 13, 2008
Read this question so you would understand. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130206172711AA96m5Z

So my mom and my dad have this wind blowing through there ear's. My dad felt it first. It's really weird and it's like air just going into there ear's. I haven't felt this but my parent's have and no there not old. So about a week ago my dad kept of saying he felt air going through his ear and it's scary. My mom felt it today... just blowing into her ear. So about February's first week.. after my mom had the dream the fridge stopped working. (A note: My mom attacked the women in our kitchen)

My dad checked it and the part was wrecked so he would get a new one the next day but today the fridge started working and it was perfectly fine. My dad's a expert with mechanical stuff. (Degree). It's really creepy and i think someone's doing this to my family. Black magic maybe.. but i'm not sure. They also said the wind felt like a plane sound and they thought a spirit or something entered through their ear's. I'm not crazy and I know my parent's aren't lying. Help.