I failed my driving test today?


New member
May 24, 2011
In need of a bit of encouragement really. It was odd, because the mistakes I'd made were ones I'd never made before. I already knew during the test that I'd failed, but it doesn't seem to make it any better.
You can just try again!! Heaaaps of people fail their driving test. It's not a big deal at all, you just have to concentrate a bit more next time!:)
Sorry you didn't make it and your comment about different things going wrong is not unusual. You just need more practise so you can gain more confidence. Better luck next time.
More people fail the first test than pass - see it as a dry run for the next one which you will be better prepared for.
You can just try again!! Heaaaps of people fail their driving test. It's not a big deal at all, you just have to concentrate a bit more next time!:)
We all make mistakes. Mistakes are forgivable. What we learn from our mistakes is what really matters. If we learn nothing, and time and time again make the same mistakes, it becomes harder for those around us to offer forgiveness.
It was like you lost your own confidence from yourself and so you need to build it again. Go ahead build your confidence and appear for the exam and pass it.. All the best!!! Have faith in your abilities and yourself.
My brother failed the driving test as well. And he's going for lessons again. He knew his mistakes as well and he did ONE mistake that he had never done during lessons and it was a very stupid mistake. He was very angry at himself as well and for that day he was really up set about it. But now he got over it as there is nothing you can do else. Now he's going for lessons again.

If you did not pass, you can always redo it obviously. But the result is there. Finished. Nothing you can do. You can't go up to the instructor shouting at his face to pass you. Now you need to accept the situation and abide with it. I'm sure you will do better the next time :) Focus on things you enjoy doing in the mean time. Today it will be a bit of a sad day for you as you failed the test and you will be upset and angry. However, you will get better and accept the situation very soon :)

Do not worry. It is not a train smash. Life is still going! So enjoy it and have fun. You can always redo the test. Have some self confidence in yourself, and say: "Next time, I will pass and I will do my best as much as I can". You will pass next time.

i know its such a disappointment but you have to pick yourself up think positive apply for another test as soon as possible, in the mean time work hard on those mistakes,you will pass next time you will you will you will look into my eyes
hello , please do not worry, you will pass your test. Its easy sometimes to make small mistakes remember this. You already know how to drive, because your instructor has cleared you to drive, sounds like you had a bad day. We all get that sometimes. Go back do it again, realize there are no tricks, or traps, all that is happening is they are confirming you know the rules of the road. Get a good nights sleep the night before, focus on the task at hand . Do not worry about anything other than passing the test on that day. clear your mind of all its troubles, focus on what the examiner asks you to do and then do it.. Temember that none of us are perect, and we all make mistakes. Try to relax a little next time and do wht the instructor at school taught you ok? best of luck, hang in there, and stay out of trouble! YOU CAN DO IT!!