I don't understand.


New member
Mar 4, 2008
I just received an e-mail from a friend.

Her parents have recently seperated after her father found out that her mother was pregnent with another man's child.

Her mother was found on Sunday morning by her son, left in a store in Tijuana, with out the baby that she was six months and three weeks pregnent with.

She was drugged and someone removed her baby.

The baby's father survived an attempt on his life on the same day she was kidnapped.

Now, I don't know any of the people involved except the friend who sent me the message. I don't know how accurate the story is, but I have no reason to believe that she is making any of this up.

Her father, whom would be the most likely suspect, works in the U.S. The crime took place in Mexico. Can any action be taken upon him in the U.S. or is there not enough evidence to convict him?

If someone is capable of hiring another person(s) to abduct, drug, and force a late-term aboration on an almost seven month pregnent woman, than he would mostly likely be capable of other things.

I'm afraid for my friend and her siblings' safety, but I just can't stand seeing nothing being done to find out who really did this.

It's not my business, but I'm wondering if anything can be done.
You're opening a massive can of worms in Tijuana... it's a city that plays by it's own rules entirely. Much of the police force is corrupt and inefficient. The city is run in many respects by any number of drug cartels. Murder for hire is common as is kidnapping. The city has been on-again-off-again out of bounds for US Marines and Sailors... too many of them end up beat up, stabbed or dead down there while on leave. It's usually the kidnapping capital of Mexico.

Don't even think about getting involved. Seriously... you're jumping into the deep end with water wings on. It won't end well. Do you really want to jump into a bizarre love/kidnapping triangle in Mexico!? Seriously think long and hard about that. The number of ways for you to end up dead or maimed is exponential.

Sorry to hear what happened to your friend... but I grew up down on that border (and I had family members who worked both the TJ and Otay Mesa areas as Border Patrol) and I've understated just how rough it can be. Most gringos only ever see Calle Revoluciَn... but Tijuana is a virtual war zone. Move on before you end up dead.