I don't think my boyfriends into PDA?


New member
Apr 28, 2013
Okay,here's the deal,me and my boyfriend have been dating for six monts.We have kissed(just little pecks) in front of friends before,we have hugged in front of people before.We say,"I love you" in front of people before.well,we went to a dance last night,and we were slow dancing.He says "I love you',I say " Love you too'. We danced for another couple of seconds,and I hear a small click.Suddenly,he pushed me away,and said "nope".( he was aying nope to my friend that was taking the picture)It shocked me.It turns out,my friend was trying to take a photo of us together.she doesn't have a facebook or anything,so what is she gonna post it on? He didn't slow dance with me for the rest of the night.I want to talk to him about the fact that it reslly bothered me when he did that.I just don't know if I am either being ovelry dramatic,or if he is being overly dramatic.Should I talk to him about it? how do I bring it up?Plus,should I blame it on my friend the fact that he did that? I'm so sorry that this is so lengthy,but I am just really confused.Probably because of my damn hormones.Thanks for whoever answers!
I would definitely just ask him. Say "hey what's up with not wanting to take a picture with me?" Sounds to me more like he's embarassed. That's never ok. If that's the case you deserve better, but he may just be shy.
hey your BF is into a lot more PDA than mine is, and we are in our mid 20's and have been dating for years! it used to bug me a lot, but i later had to accept the fact that he's just not into kissing in public or saying romantic things to each other in front of others.

i got a taste of my own medicine when i had an ex who was overly into PDA and i wasn't. it was annoying, i hated how he always seemed to want to show PDA like he was showing me off in front of others or something, and he would get annoyed at me when i wasn't comfortable showing PDA.

in the end, isn't it better if he saves his sweet gestures for you in private anyway? :)
he is insecure, really insecure...or he has parents that beat him if he associates with girls, or he has a girlfriend and doesnt want incriminating photos around for her to see,

sounds 13ish to me.