I am torn between homeschooling (unschooling style) and continuing at my...


New member
Sep 22, 2011
...current highschool? I really like the philosophies of unschooling. The idea of that freedom to explore the topics I want to at the pace and time that I want to is very appealing to me as an academic. I don't want this freedom so that I can goof of, anything but. I love the idea of one day really delving into, let's say, holocaust history and spending the whole morning reading about it, and then writing an essay and maybe watch a documentary. The next day deciding to tackle pre-calculus for a couple of hours then studying my instrument for the rest of the day.

This is my natural way of learning. I don't like the broken up, short segments of learning that school systems require (because it is the most acceptable to the masses). My idea is to spend the terms studying at home (in the unschooling way) and then going in to the high school I currently study at for the exams. I may also come in sometimes near the ends of the day to socialise with my friends and maybe talk to teachers like a boy a year above does. He changed to homeschooling at the end of grade 9 (the grade I'm in now) and just pops in sometimes.

On the other hand, I have a fantastic school. It is pretty unconventional and is a fairly academic school. It is a small school (I have only 32 kids in my grade and 16 in my class). It is in a very old house with a few classrooms built around the house. They bought another house a block away which will become the Maths and Xhosa (a native language here) and I think Physical Science campus. They also bought a warehouse (which is currently being renovated by an architect) to become the design and art campus. This, and the fact that I would miss my friends, is why I'm not a 100% on board with the homeschooling idea. WHAT TO DO?
I've took that route. Its not terrible it's easy to "goof off" And I loved it. The only problem is yeah you won't be able to see friends or as much at a time, I don't know about you but I think I could of learned alot more during public school.