I am leaving for the verizon store in 10mins--HELP! Iphone4s or 5? (10PTS)?


Jun 3, 2008
Personally, I like apple products a lot... Except for the Iphone. I would suggest the Samsung Galaxy III
Okay guys, my envy touch finally kicked the bucket today and I am on my way to the verizon store to get my first iphone! :)
...the only problem is, I am not sure if I should get the 4s or the 5! We all know the verizon people are going to try to sell me the 5, but I need real answers and real opinions from real people aka you guys!

I am a poor college student and I use my phone for both business and personal.
iphone 5 would be $200. iphone 4s would be $100.

Is the 5 worth the extra hundred? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP, EVERYONE!