i am falling to pieces, please help me?


Feb 27, 2008
i just turned 16, 3 months ago
i am an only child and my mother died when i was 2
i have been living with my father ever since
he is a chronic alcoholic
when i was 12 child protective services got involved and put me in several different foster homes but i missed him so much i kept going back to him

he is a lovely man when he is not drinking but thats only about 2 days a week
he is really abusive when hes drunk he hits me, he calls me names like the c word, he tells me i ruiend his life and he wishes i was dead all the time he has psyically hurt me so much that i have been to hospital 4 times =[

the problem is i dont have any friends or other family members to stay with or anyone to talk to, i have nowhere to go at all and i don't like living with foster familys.
all i want is for some one to hold me and tell me that everything is going to be ok but i have no one , i have been crying so much that my eyes burn. i just want to go to sleep and never wake up again

i have tried asking my dad to stop drinking but he says he cant i have offered to help him go to aa or a rehab be he doesnt want to. he likes to get drunk but he doesnt realise how i feel, i have tried telling him but he tells me to shut the f*** up and go to bed

in 3 years no one has ever told me they loved me or cared about me and realy thats all i want, i am so lonely all the time and it is tearing me apart

if anyone has any ideas at all please tell me im desperate
please i am not trying to get attention i just really need help
please dont be nasty
Well call Child Services again and don't go running back this time. You are better off without him