I am endlessly fascinated with you nut jobs that don't accept evolution, humor me?


May 14, 2008
You nut jobs make up 2/3 of Americans, sadly, please fascinate me with your ill gotten reasons in the space provided below, so that I may respond and mock you, thereby keeping me entertained for the next few minutes.
Dirtay Me - more people respond, and with more interesting remarks may I add, when you're mean about it.

Baptised Atheist - lol indeed

I'm a nice person - my bad, it was 1/3 that firmly reject evolution, and even more sad, only 14% that say evolution is "definitely true"

Tom Dran - When did I say I didn't like it? "I am endlessly fascinated" are you kidding me? I love it! Yes everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, that doesn't make them any more valid, especially when they fly in the face of every piece of evidence.

Dr. Bob - Right, all those scientists that have spent the better part of their lives exploring and studying evolution, and talk about it every day, know absolutely nothing about it... And if you're just referring to me, I have a masters in evolutionary biology.

Nick - We didn't "[come] from monkeys" we share a common ancestry with monkeys, they are our distant cousins.

jl - scrabble sucks

0011 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SAmsVYkgpw

? ??????… - We're both g
going to hell for making fun of the retarded

Est. 2088 - I pray too, I'm a Christian.

Shozbot - What about the Crusades? Hitler was an abomination, if you took the time to read "On the Origin of Species" you'd find moral, reaffirming words, nothing of eugenics or genocide. The people that "run the world" today claim to be Christian and probably deny evolution. Not that it makes a bit of difference, your argument is invalid.

The me inside - No soup for you, Manson. Next!

Historyandbookstudent - it matters because the religious fundamentalists which promote brainwashing children and oppose teaching them evolution are enemies to the advancement of science and humanity. I believe God is ashamed of people that hold back the exploration of His creation, all in His name.

Mark - Only Biblical literists believe intelligent life was created instantly. But other than that, yes, you encapsulated the big bang adequately... :S

? - I chuckled

jack - science has nothing to do with opinions

cynic32 - die

Angel - Religious fundamentalists don't have a right to brainwash children and hide them from reality. I don't believe in evolution, there is no faith in science, only facts and evidence. You're confusing scientific theory with layman's theory. A scientific theory has been vigorously tested and supported. Theory is the crowning achievement of science. Scientific theories do not become laws or facts or truths. Nothing in science is proven, proofs are for mathematics. Laws are facts, simple observable phenomena. Theories are our attempt to explain why or how these phenomena occur.
Evolution is both theory and fact. Evolution, common decent, is fact. The "theory of evolution by natural selection" or "the modern synthesis" is our best explanation for why evolution happens. Good scientists are skeptical of theories and test them repeatedly, that's how science works.

Michael - "?" took all my chuckles, sorry.

boxcar1441 - please do

'little' book,open(Rev10) - The Bible is n
The Bible is no different from other ancient religious documents in that it attempts to explain away phenomena we see in our world through quaint religious stories. I.e. snakes don't have legs because God cursed them in the garden, man is cursed to work the earth for food, women is cursed with painful childbirth, etc... is no different from stories in Greek and Norse mythology which explain how the peacock got all the "eyes" on their tails, lightning is Zeus throwing down bolts in anger, solar eclipse is when the dragon in the sky eats the sun, etc... Biblical creation is a story, literary in genre, whether or not it has its roots in a real relationship between God and man is a matter of faith, nevertheless, I will humor you since you humored me.

1. evolution's greatest gift to mankind is our brain, it's given us the ability to be conscious of how the environment affects us and vice versa, the ability to manipulate our environment, and make complex analogies.
2. heard of DNA?
3. Despi
3. Despite what the Bible says, this is not God's curse, this is a benefit (see #1) that enables us to survive in staggering numbers, health and vitality. It greatly increases the quality of our life.
4. Once again, our brain. Our ability to reason, make analogies. Picture a cave man chasing an animal, to find it killed by a pointed stick it fell on. He pick up the stick and realizes he can kill more animals for food by using it in the same manner and goes back to the cave to draw pictures (pictographs) of what happened to convey this idea to other cavemen. In the same way he realized that the apple core he threw in the dirt a while back has begun to grow into a plant that looks very similar to the tree he picked the apple from in the first place, he conveys this idea in the same way, and agriculture was born! That was the same as your stories but I didn't need to draw on the supernatural like all the other MYTHS.
5. Ever open a National Geographic?

6. Ah the downside of having big brains, we need big heads! No it’s not God’s curse, as mammals we give birth like other mammals, through the pelvis. It’s just unfortunate that humans evolved bigger brains but didn’t evolve a bigger pelvis. So it must stretch (pain) and the child’s skull must squeeze, made possible by the conveniently un-fused skull. Evolution is not a sentient being with an engineering degree.
Good enough ideas for you?
Apes, as smart as they are, don’t have our cognitive capacity, why would you expect them to be able to perform as we do?
Despite our brain we still have deepseeded animal tendencies as you’ve already noticed. Nice job destroying your own argument…
No Chance Without Satan – Isn’t it amazing how some people still believe it actually happened like that.

Mr. Beary – Even if it makes one person just think about it for a little while it was worth it. Ah hell even if it didn’t I was still thoroughly entertained.
i may not be able to prove evolution, but i can prove the bible story on creation is bogus. on the first day god seperates light from darkness. BUT...the stars and the sun werent created until the 4th day. how can this be if there was no actual light on day 1? plants are created on the 3rd day, HOWEVER, if there was no light from the sun until the 4th day than how did photosynthesis occur? there are of course many other reasons, but i know you understand what im getting at.
In my experience, I've found that evolution is a lot like sex. The ones that talk about it the most, or the ones that tease others about it are usually the ones that know about it the least.
*Puts on fundie voice*


Source: The BIBLE!

* Normal voice*

Expect endless variations on this theme.
clap, clap.
I love this post.
made me chuckle cuz i know its true :)
I wanna see these answers too!
You have no right to judge, but in reality all this crap you believe in, evolution & the big bang and whatnot are all THEORY based ideas, it should be taught in schools that it is theory, but of course no need for teachers to seem incompetent by just teaching theory so they pass it off as truth. Most scientists will even admit to the fact that they are not fuly sure what happened, or if their theories are true
all you have to do is research the roots of evolution and how it ties in with eugenics, population control, and elitism .. Hitler was a huge fan, the Aborigines were all but wiped out because they were not 'evolved' enough .. and believe it, the people that run the world today think evolution has chosen them to rule over, control, and choose your destiny ... and you gobble it up in school like you think your 'advanced' for buying into that garbage ..
Maybe you are the nut job -

But please - you humor us so that we can mock you
and show us how evolution brought about the following facts of the world -

1. Man having dominion of the world -
2. ALL life reproducing only 'each according to its kind' -
3. Man works[till,sow,reap,thresh,grind,bake] for his bread, whereas animals either hunt &/or graze -
4. Man only speaks and writes with many diverse languages and alphabets -
5. Man only wears clothing -
6. Women have such pain and labor in child-bearing, animals are quite relaxed even with multiple young[8-10, cats & dogs] -

Any idea?

IF "Man is one of the '5 Great Apes'", why do apes do NONE of the things that man does?
You know, like plant a garden, build a house, write a book, have a family, start a business, cook dinner, make ice cream, discuss the weather, sing around the campfire -
And man does not do the things that apes do - you know, sit around and pull bugs out of each others' hair, make new nests every night in a different tree to sleep, bang everyone and anyone - well, recently man has been getting apelike in that respect, but that would be 'de-evolution', are we not men?