I always have the same dream since I was a kid that I'm jumping out of the balcony ?


May 15, 2008
I'm now 26 yrs old and I always have the same dream that I wanna get out of the house and there s no option other than jumping out of the balcony though I know it is dangerous and I get a very scary feeling but its like as if someone is forcing me to jump and there's no other option, as if I'm really gonna fall down but the dream always stops before I jump. It really scares me cause I have been dreaming of this same dream since I was a kid until now and from the same balcony. Can anyone explain this to me?
I dreamed few time of jumping from the balcony of the house i lived in when i was a child. A don't remember if I jumped before but I remember I was scared. But last night I finally jumped. I was not scared, and actually it was easy. I jumped because I had to escape Germans (second world war :O). So, I wasn't scared, it was easy but they caught me anyway. But it showed up that I had no reason to be scared of them either.

Let's see if someone can say something about these jumping dreams....