Hurricane Isaac forces postponement of Louisiana Tech-Texas A&M game


Jun 17, 2007

Hurricane Isaac has claimed its first football game.

Louisiana Tech announced Tuesday afternoon that its season opener against Texas A&M had been postponed to Oct. 13. The teams were scheduled to play Thursday at Independence Stadium in Shreveport, La., but with the impending Hurricane scheduled to hit Louisiana, both teams didn't want to take the chance.

"Our primary concern was for the health and safety of the general public, students and fans of both institutions," Louisiana Tech Athletics Director Bruce Van De Velde said in a statement. "It's impossible to predict exactly what is going to happen throughout the state so we also wanted to be conscientious of the possible effects of his storm on residents throughout Louisiana.

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"As much as both teams wanted to play, the safety of everyone took precedent over a football game, even one of this magnitude. We simply couldn't move forward with Thursday's kickoff in good conscience knowing what this storm may do. We appreciate the cooperation of Mayor Glover and the City of Shreveport and the Independence Bowl as well as Texas A&M University."

The two teams happen to have the same open date — Oct. 13 — and will reconvene in Independence Stadium at a time to be determined. All tickets purchased for Thursday's game will be honored on Oct. 13.

Now, Louisiana Tech will open the season against Houston on Sept. 8 and A&M will have no warm up before jumping into the SEC season against Florida at Kyle Field on Sept. 8.

So far, the Tech-A&M game is the only one postponed. South Alabama and Texas-San Antonio also were scheduled to play Thursday but moved their game to Saturday. Tulane's season opener against Rutgers in the Superdome in New Orleans is still a go.

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