Hunting for sport v.s. dog fighting ?


New member
Aug 26, 2008
You know, Im not a racist, but, Im tired of blacks comparing a good ol American sport like - hunting, to urban street dog fighting. I mean, they bet on dogs trained to kill each other. While, hunting is fun and straight to the point, in which the dead animal is often used for food. Dog-fighting is simply un-american. This one "guy" wanted to know why dont P.E.T.A. attack hunting enthusiasts the same way as dog-fighting murderers. I stated that, If you had a choice between lethal injection or torture, which would you choose. Whats wrong with these people ????? Does anyone agree with them ????
I don't agree with dog fighting AT ALL. And I really don't see the comparison there either.

Personally I don't agree with hunting either, but I feel it is an actual sport where dog fighting is nothing but an illegal torture game.

My grandfather hunted most of his life. Though, he rarely killed anything. His fav part was taking his dogs out and letting them run a fox!
Im not a racist either bro. and I am a Black American.Dog fighting is the worst.I have 2 dogs a staff pit and a Rott {1yr&2 yrs}to say that hunting is like dog fighting is ass!It's cruel and why the F^&* would you wanna fight your dog is beyond me.Hunting is not as bad but there is sufficient amount of foods at the grocery store too.So killing animals when there is food is a few steps below dog fighting.Only way you should be killing animals is if there is no food. Though the meat is eaten there is enough substance to live without killing them uneccessarily.
I think any torture to a animal should be illegal and anyone that does it should be done the same way they did the animal. I would personally like to see them hung by their balls!!!!.
First, PETA does attack hunters. They pretty much attack everyone.

Second, hunting does not bother me, as long as the animal will be put to use. I would never call killing a living creature a "sport" though. Call it what it is...hunting.

Last, maybe not a racist, but you made a sweeping generalization. Do you believe there are no black Americans that hunt? Do you believe there are no Anglo Americans that engage in dog fighting? Do you believe America is the only country that hunts or has dog fighting?
Im not a big fan of hunting. I personally couldnt do it. killing for a sport? no thanks..not animals at least.

theres a fine line between survival and fun, I am not vegetarian, and I do love meat, but theres tons of it in stores ready to go. People hunting arent doign it to survive, they do it for fun, and braggin rights. When people arent paid to go out and get meat for us, and farmers arent paid to dothat kind of stuff, then i'd prolly go vegetarian cuz i couldnt kill an animal
Since when does PETA not attack hunters?!?!

Obviously they are not the same. As you said, betting is not generally a part of hunting. Nor are illegal weapons and drugs. Hunters don't hunt because they enjoy seeing an animal fight for its life or tear apart another being.

I support neither hunting nor dog fighting but I do believe that hunting is the lesser of two evils.
Excuse me??????
Only the brainwashed,AR/humaniac/peta-nutz could *possibly* come up w/such an IGNORANT/STUPID/ INSANE comparison!!!
You can expect *any* sort of lunacy from them.

That said-WHY are *you* using their LIES to get this point across???
Mis-used words(LIES!) like "murder" & un-American"?
& the Peta-nutz *ARE* against hunting & EVERY other form of human/animal interaction & contact-w/every species
wow, talking about painting with a wide brush! Not all blacks are into dog fighting and trying to justify it by comparing it to hunting.
And yes, PETA has it's fangs bared for hunters too. Hunting is not the same as dog fighting. The hunted animal is killed swiftly, and not made to fight for it's life and suffer for hours fighting.
Sure, there's idiot hunters out there that will take shots at anything that moves, wounding an animal only for it to crawl off and die, but there are good ones too. again, don't paint with a wide brush!

and yes, I bow hunt.
In the words of Tool "F*ck all these gun toting hip gangster wannabees" and f*ck their need to use their dogs as penis extensions.

PETA is against hunting as well...against using animals at all, be it for food, companionship, business, or otherwise. PETA's objective is the liberation of all animals, which means no pets, no guard or herding dogs, no meat or animal produts at all whatsoever.

Now, is hunting so much different? Sure, death is quicker, but the concept? Anyone can shoot something with a shotgun. Hell, I'm pretty good hitting moving targets myself. It takes much more skill to hunt with a bow. And, are those who hunt strictly to put a stuffed head on their wall not trying to prove their masculinity? Killing just for the trophy? Ludicris. If you aren't gonna eat it, don't shoot it.