Howcome right wing Born again Christians act nothing like the Christ out of the...


New member
Jun 13, 2009
they will come on here and use random passages from leviticus or some other book in the bible to justify their hatred for other people.

but in doing so they seem to be forgetting the number 1 rule- to do unto others as you would want them to do to you.

so yeah they can get caught up on the minor aspects.. but forget the main part. You know, the homophobic,racist, fascist ones off R+S
Surely that is meant to be the idea huh?
If the bible is to be believed, do you think you will get away with that?
because we fall short, we arnt perfect, we can aim to be like Jesus but we will always fall very very short.
In American about 98% of those who say they are Christians, are not Christians. They are hypocrites.

If you walk into a church of 100 people, perhaps only 2 are truly Christians.

This site shows God's standards verses our standards, and how to be truly saved. Most "Christians" (including pastors and other leaders) will disagree with this. You can get an idea where they are spiritually if they do not believe the Bible completely.

The following site, feel free to print out and ask any professing believer to answer. If they do not answer them correctly, chances are, they are not saved.!.php

Also, you can visit, and click on the free downloads. One is called "True and False Conversions" That should iron out any additional questions you may have.

If not, don't hesitate to contact me, and I will do my best to answer

Take care.

servant of Jesus

Psalm 119
Deuteronomy Chapter 6

I hope this help.
People are imperfect , each of us at our own levels in life . Depending on how mature they are in their walk, how knowledgeable, they are of the bible, whether or not they are even reading it on a regular basis, whether or not they even have a personal daily relationship with Christ through devotion and prayer, Some people can be just plain ignorant to other's feelings, in fact I think we all have this quality. As far as religion goes, in general I have met muslims, catholics, jehova witnesses, mormons, who didn't act like the stereotypical of their kind, being "backslidden " some would say, so mit is not just christians. We are all imperfect and need work.
What do you expect, Christianity is the drive-thru religion, drive-thru and spout as much bigotry as you can muster.
because not many mega-churches are interested in Jesus' real teachings. They want to teach people how to be successful and wealthy so people will keep coming to church
because i found him!!!!
Ah duh? Jesus would preach against homosexuality today.

Btw, Jesus, as I, was not a homophobe anyway. Homosexuals don't scare me or Jesus.
Jesus as an historical figure, the Bible and Christianity, are not compatible.

For a start, he didn't go around saying stuff like "Blessed art thou,"and "for thine is the kingdom of heaven," because he spoke Ancient Hebrew, not Shakespearean English.

More importantly, he didn't condemn homosexuals, women or other races, because he just didn't do that sort of thing. Reading between the lines that the Christians failed to edit out, he was a pretty nice guy.

He definitely had no problems with Jews, because he was one, and he believed in the Jewish religion.

Somewhere, somehow, they got it all farked up.
Because much like other christian, only worst like Catholics, they are not really Christians. I can call my self the most hung man in the world but it doesn't make it so, does it :) LMAO

falling very short excuse is a bunch of crap. There is a big difference between doing something wrong, knowing you did and rectifying it. And doing something wrong and justifying it.